Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Welcome to the ultimate guide for creating Junkinals and minting JUNK-20 tokens on Junkcoin!

While this tutorial walks you through the setup process step by step, we’re also working on user-friendly tools like a web interface and Telegram bots to make inscriptions and minting effortless. These tools are coming soon, stay tuned!

Note: if you’re an advanced user, you can directly head over the Junkscriptions repository.

1. System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit)
  • RAM: Minimum 2GB (4GB recommended)
  • Storage: 10GB free disk space
  • Internet: Stable connection

2. Install Junkcoin Core

Step 2.1: Download Junkcoin Core (wallets)

1. Visit: Junkcoin Releases on GitHub.

2. Go to the “Assets” section at the bottom and download junkcoin-

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 2.2: Run and Initialize

1. Unzip the file and double-click junkcoin-qt.exe.

2. Let it initialize. The data folder will be created in "C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\JunkCoin".

3. Close Junkcoin Core once it’s synced. Next, we’ll configure the node.

3. Configure Junkcoin Core

Step 3.1: Create Configuration File

1. Press Windows + R and type %APPDATA%\JunkCoin.

2. Create a file named junkcoin.conf.

3. Add the following text:

# Network Configuration






# RPC Configuration






Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 3.2: Initial Sync

1. Start junkcoin-qt.exe again.

2. Let it fully sync with the blockchain (this may take some time).

3. Check the bottom-right corner for sync status.

4. Install Node.js

Step 4.1: Download and Install

1. Go to Node.js.

2. Download LTS (v18 or higher) and run the installer with default settings.

Step 4.2: Verify Installation

1. Open Command Prompt and type:

node --version

npm --version

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

5. Set Up Junkscriptions

Step 5.1: Download or Clone the Repository

1. If you don’t want to install the repository through a command prompt, head over the Junkscriptions repository, click “Code” then “Download ZIP“, and extract the compressed file.

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

2. OR, you can open the Command Prompt and run:

git clone https://github.com/Junkcoin-Foundation/junkscriptions.git

cd junkscriptions

npm install

Step 5.2: Configure Environment File

1. In your “junkscriptions-main” folder, change the name of the example environment file, copy the “.env.example” file and name its copy “.env“.

2. Open the new .env file and update the following:


Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 5.3: Create and Fund Wallet

First, if you’re on Windows, make sure your wallet is running (click “junkcoin-qt.exe“).

Then, hold “SHIFT” and right click on your “junkscriptions-main” folder. Select “Open in Terminal” to set your prompts in the right folder.

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

1. Create a wallet:

node . wallet new

2. Note the address. Send JKC to this wallet for minting fees.

3. Sync the wallet:

node . wallet sync

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

6. Mint JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 6.1: Usage

1. See all available commands for Junkscription-CLI tool:

node . help

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 6.2: Split UTXOs

1. Split your UTXOs for smoother transactions:

node . wallet split 2

2. After confirmation, sync the wallet again:

node . wallet sync

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

Step 6.3: Mint Tokens

1. Use the following command to mint:

node . junk-20 mint “address” SAIL 100 1

Replace “address” with your wallet address without quotation marks.

Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Junkscriptions & JUNK-20 Tokens

2. Track the transaction using Junkinals Explorer.

7. Inscriptions

Inscriptions allow you to permanently store data such as images, text, or other files on the Junkcoin blockchain. Follow these steps to inscribe data:

Step 7.1: Prepare Your Data

1. Text: Write the text you want to inscribe and save it in a .txt file, or simply input it directly in the command.

2. Image: Ensure your image file is in .png or .jpg format and stored in the same directory as the Junkscriptions repository. Keep the file size minimal to save on transaction fees.

3. Junkmap (Range): If you want to mint a range of sequential inscriptions, prepare the desired range parameters.

Step 7.2: Run the Mint Command

Use the following commands based on the type of inscription:

Inscribe File (Image/Text):

node . mint "address" "file-path"

Replace "address" with your funded wallet address and “file-path” with the path to your file (e.g., ./junk.png).

Mint Junkmap (Range):

node . mint-junkmap "address" "start" "end"
Replace "address" with your funded wallet address, and “start” and “end” with the range you want to mint (e.g., 1 100).

Step 7.3: Verify Your Inscription

1. Once the mint command executes successfully, copy the transaction ID (TXID) from the output.

2. Check your inscription on the Junkinals Explorer by searching for the TXID or your wallet address.

Example Commands

1. Mint a text file:

node . mint "address" ./hello.txt

2. Mint an image:

node . mint "address" ./junk.png

3. Mint a junkmap for range 1-100:

node . mint-junkmap "address" 1 100

8. Examples

Here are some practical examples to guide you through the commands:

Create a Wallet:

node . wallet new

Deploy the SAIL Token:

node . junk-20 deploy "address" SAIL 1000000 100

Mint SAIL Tokens:

node . junk-20 mint "address" SAIL 100 1

Inscribe an Image:

node . mint "address" ./junk.png

Mint a Junkmap for Range 1-100:

node . mint-junkmap "address" 1 100

9. Troubleshooting

Issue: Connection Refused

  • Ensure Junkcoin Core is running.
  • Check settings in junkcoin.conf.
  • Confirm RPC port matches.

Issue: Insufficient Priority

  • Open .env and increase FEE_PER_KB:


Issue: Node.js Not Found

  • Restart Command Prompt after installing Node.js.
  • Ensure Node.js is added to your system PATH.
Published On: January 25th, 2025Categories: Tutorials

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